Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What Happens When You Stay Up Too Late.

It is a little known fact that I stay up way too late way too often. The reason it is a little known fact, is because the only people that know it are the same seven people that have ever read this. But just to reiterate, I have what can be considered a slight problem with staying up later then I should. I mean it is OK to stay up late if you have some important business to take complete. But I tend to make myself stay up doing basically nothing but stare at the computer or the TV. It seems I have a secret agenda going on to turn my eyes a permanent shade of bloodshot. Tonight just happened to be another one of those nights. I have used these nights to pretty much perfect surfing. No not the one that makes you blond, tan and muscular. That one that makes you gray, pale and saddle-baggish. I have attempted to find the ends of the internet and I believe I have come close tonight. It gave me the idea to try something new on the blog. And that was to post a few of the utter insanity that keeps me up at night. Enjoy.

I like music, and I like music videos. But this I am going to have to say was a bad mix.

I like movies, and I like fight sceens but I am going to have to say this was a bad mix.

I would like to think my dashboard playing while driving is nearly this good but I am not sure I could back that up.

Last one I swear. Another person that stays up to late. I really need to sleep if this is the next step.

I promise to not do that to you again. Well, all seven of you.

Until next time.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

How to write a blog.

I know it is not polite to start a paragraph with I, but I just did it, and I did it because I can. That is the power I have over not only my hands to make them type the capital i, but also over the format and topic of this and every blog I create. This is truly the one and only thing I have complete control over. Ok, so I do depend on one million computer dorks that are in a basement somewhere making sure that the internet works. But as far as what I write and what I don't write, I have the final say. Thinking on this has empowered me a bit. I wish I could have that kind of control in other areas of my life, but I will take what I can, and the fact that in the span of a little over two years I have been doodling on this thing no one has had any influence on it except me! Of course no one has ever read it, but that is beside the point. I know that there are allot of bloggers out there, but I don't see why blogging is not more popular hobby. I know you are thinking about the fact that 95% of the blogging population are 28 year old males, living at home and are a scary shade of pale white, but that is beside the point. Writing a blog is easy. Given if you are a terrible speler and penmenship is not your best tallent, it can get frustrating, I still think it is about the easiest thing in one's life to do. I know you are pondering, it is only easy because it does not involve going on first dates and meeting people, but that is beside the point. It is a hobby in which you are in a position to do things how you want and, depending on how often you write a blog, how how often you want. You are basically your own boss. I have found however the pay is nothing, and the hours tend to cause Walmart bag shaped blackness under the eyes. These are such little set backs that I can still not fathom that blogging has not become a hit among "cool" people. I came to a quick awful conclution that it is possible that blogging is not cool. I quickly squashed that thought(because I am in charge mind you), and decided it is because no one has ever really take the time to share with all non-bloggers exactly how to write a blog. So I came up with a few guidelines that may help you start a hobby that will help you lose that unwanted tan. Here are just four easy steps, because too many more and even I would stop reading.

1. BUILD an IDEA - An idea is not formed from an imaginary friend sitting on your shoulder telling you what to write about, unless of course you are 28 living at home and are a scary shade of pale white. But that is beside the point. A idea for a blog needs to be built. It can start at any time during the day, most likely when you least exspect it. You will know when you have an idea, because you think about this idea for more then a few seconds. There are blogs I suppose that go on and on about what you think about the hot person in the car next to you so be careful what you let start being a thought you want to build. I usually am driving and thinking. Ok, so I am usually thinking no matter what I am doing so I get ideas in my head constantly, but sometimes one hits me with such force that I, blink, shut my jaw and I ponder this thought. I play with it all day. I usually obsess over it right up until I get to the computer, and then I go blank. This is just me though. I suggest you hold onto the thought until you have finished the next three steps.

2. LIKE your IDEA - A blog will not be written if you do not like the subject of your blog. No matter what you are writing about make sure you like it. I think this is real important. The reason this is important i found is that you might be the only person to read your blog. So make sure it is something you like. I have been a fledgling blog writer for well over 23 months, and the total number of readers to have commented in the blog are 7. While this is 700% more then 99% of blogs I always aim to reach more readers. This is why I have considered paying people to read it.

3. OPINIONATE you IDEA - Each day I am almost certain everybody in the world has the exact same idea as at least 10 other people at any given time. So when it comes time to blogging about this idea you need to make it your own by adding your opinion. The great thing about opinions is that they put your own personal twist on an idea. Make the blog your own. If you want a serious blog about the politics of global warming you can do that, but just to warn you, you will never reach 7 readers status. Not unless of course, you add some opinions that spice up the old boring earth is dying talk. You can even make up your opinion if you get stuck. That is the beauty of writing your own blog. Not everything has to be correct, you do not need to cite sources for your research. Make the blog your own by making it one of a kind, or just add a catch phrase to the bottom to make it seem one of a kind.

4. GROW your IDEA - No one like a short little blog that they can skim through and be done with in a few minutes and be on to their day. Well I hope not anyways. Readers want to hear about a small paltry idea that they can tell you like, that they can tell your opinionated about but most importantly that you can go on and on about. I find this the easiest part of any blog. In actuality the word idea is short and puny looking but its meaning is endless. Ideas are not meant to be bottled up and shared in fragments. They are meant to be shared in volume until everyone is so glued to the blog and this idea that they can not get it out of their head for the rest of the day, or then again they could hate it. But that is beside the point.

The point it that blogging should be something everyone is proud of. For every single person in the world can blog. Of course to do it right, you need to be one of the 21% of the worlds population that have access to the internet and a computer. You will also need to remember the most important thing before you sit to write your first blog. An Idea.

Build this idea
Like this idea
Opinionate this idea
Grow this idea.

Until next time.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Running and Reading = Old Guy

There are not many nights that I have nothing to say. There are just few nights lately that I have had any time to sit down and bore you. Tonight is another one of those nights, but I am going to do it anyways. I have one of those life changing years so far this year. No, I did not win the lottery, inherit the playboy mansion or get a date. I simply have gotten older with out even turning another year older(yet). This may seem strange but I have traced it to a few things that have happened in my life over the past few months. Unstrangely enough they each start with the letter R.
Running - I have been doing some serious running over the past eight weeks. I have been enjoying it. I have run more then I ever have in my life. I have even paid good money to have someone tell me how fast and how long to run on a tread mill. I know that this seems like a task that should be and is free to 100% of the world, but like $12,000 shoes if people are willing to pay money then there are people that will charge. I am one of these people. I have paid money to be in a running class, in which I wake up earlier then I usually want to, run further then I usually want to, but I have felt better then I am usually used to. So you may be wondering, "why does this make you feel old Kevin?" Well, being in this class and if I can brag for a second, kicking this classes butt, I have the notion that I, a 28 year old owner of Asics, am in tip-top shape. I just needed a way to prove this, so I entered a flag football tournament. Yes, the same one that I entered last year and I wrote a blog about how much of a wuss I was. Well, I was bound and determined to kick the butt of this tournament, just as I was doing to my running class. I will try to sum this story up in one sentence. After nearly breaking my thumb on the first play, bloodying not just both knees but both elbows, my thigh, shoulder, hip, not to mention having chapped lips I played in five games in one long windy day, finishing the day in the semifinals with a tough loss. Sounds, like just a good tough day of football right? Anyone who has kicked a running classes butt can handle that with ease right? Well that was ten 9 days ago and I had my best morning yet this morning, for I was able to get out of bed and make it to the bathroom without crying and in under thirty minutes for the first time. I was obviously not in shape. Running has helped prove that. If it is running on a rubber surface at a steady speed, I can do it. If it is anything else, I can not. I am old.
Reading - I have been doing some serious reading over the past eight weeks. I have enjoyed reading. Although I have not over come the hurtle of being able to finish a book, I sure have had a good time starting them. I carry a book with me everywhere I go now. If I have a few spare minutes I give that book a good reading. I believe in total I have started 4 books, making it halfway through two of them. While I like to assume I will finish all four of these, it will probably just end up like most of my dates. Wait i just remembered you have to have to go on a date to use dating as an analogy. So back to reading... I have liked getting lost in other peoples words, much like I like getting lost in movies. Reading is fun and it helps keep the mind sharp. So, you may be wondering, "why does this make you feel old Kevin?" Well, the reading has not necessarily made me feel old, it is what I have given up to read. Example, I was just in one of the biggest malls in the world this past weekend in Houston, and instead of doing what most young modestly dorky people do, which is use this time to shop for clothes that make them less modestly dorky, I hung out in the book store for 3 hours and looked through travel books and sipped on a latte. I then bought a book and went and sat outside a trendy looking store and people watched, sitting next two really old men with stains all down their shirt. Not only did this make me feel old and trendy, It caused me to check my shirt for stains. I found two, what looked like drips of latte. I am old.
Being old is not all that bad though...of course i can't Remember why.
Until next time.