Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Rock Bands, Toasts and Happily Ever After

Wow, it is weird to be back in front of a keyboard, rambling through my thoughts. Taking this much time off from writing a blog has had a few profound effects on me. First, it has caused me to have the worst writers block I have ever had, basically since August. Second, it has caused me to face the real fact that no one really cared a blog has not been written. Even my mom has said that she was happy I was not wasting so much time on fruitless nonsense, and was hoping I had been concentrating more on bringing a nice baptist girl home for a family dinner and make an announcement about our future. This was not the case however. I found much more fruitless nonsense to eat up my time. In no particular order I will list a few things that have taken up precious blogging time. I have learned the fine art of Frisbee Golf, worked on the soulja boy dance, watched every episode of nearly ever television show produced over the last 8 years on my ipod, cataloged my empire of dvd's so meticulously that even I think I am a raging dork, have gone to bed before midnight every work night for almost 4 months straight(which is a record for me that I have broken every work night past the 2 day mark), and probably most pathetic of all I have become a video game addict. Admitting this of course, further puts off my moms dream of that family dinner with talks of a new family member joining the "circle of trust."
Video games and me have never been good friends, and it has been for one simple fact. I suck at them. I get beat by everyone at every game and so I could find it easy to not get addicted. Well no more my friends. It started slowly a few years ago when I bought a Play Station Portable(PSP). All I ever played was Tiger Woods golf against myself so I kept winning. And the fire was started, and now fast forward to the last two months when the game Rock Band was introduced to me and I now can not stop playing until my fingers are nearly unrecognizable and my eyes are red and blurry it looks as if I had just been dumped by my high school sweetheart all over again. This game, links two passions that I have never had any skills at, music and video games(I know your exspecting a joke here about my other passion that could fit this criteria, but your not going to get one, come up with your own and send it to me), and combines them into a single delightful competitive crack type addiction. I will have you know that I was, at one point, better then any of my friends at Rock Band and I will hold bit of that pride with me forever. They are all better then me now however, so I have had had time to work on other things. Like ...
Giving a toast. Ok, I am a relatively tough guy. I am scared of little. Standing in front of peers and giving a speech though is definitely not my favorite thing to do. I would venture as far as saying I would rather be dropped Indiana Jones style into a dark cave of snakes then be involved with public speaking. But I got to conquer that fear head on this past month by giving a toast to one of my best friends at his rehearsal dinner and wedding reception. It is widely known that 80% of my 10 closest friends are still single, so wedding preparation is not something I have not had to deal with the past 30 years. I actually worried about my responsibilities of being best man. I unfortunately leaned on my study skills from college when preparing. I waited until the last minute to even look up anything on what I was to do. First thing on the list was to give a toast. That was not fun. But it was also at the same time. It was a time of reflection on the good times we have had in the past, how great a girl he has found to live the rest of his life with, and how much he has changed since she has put the vice grips on his life(I should state here, all the changes were good ones). I made it through both speeches by the way. Much like my video game playing I was not very smooth at them but with 80% of my buddies still to get married maybe there will be some more chances.
Speaking of chances, I was given one last chance to take my buddy out on the town before his big day. His finance gave me that dead eye look and stated something about the vice grip she has been using was loose compared to what she is capable of, and that is I did not get her husband to be to the alter the next morning I would be in deep s.... trouble. I am a relatively tough guy. Very little scares me. But this statement did. And although we may have pushed the envelope a smidge, the groom was at the alter on time, even early, waiting for his beautiful bride to march down to isle to start her dominance over, I mean to start their life together. Which if any one knows(and Ill change their names for privacy)Carl and Angelina, they will live a blessed life, full of love and laughter and spend every single second together happily ever after.

Until next time.