Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Reasons My Eyes Look Like Walmart Bags

Though there are probably more reasons then I have here, but here are the top five reasons my eyes are on the brink of sagging down past my jaw, and turning the color of dirty fingernails. I looked in the mirror the other night and did not recognize who I was looking at, I did just get home form a costume party but still, the point remains. I have been kept up lately and I can't think of one reason that is my own fault. So here goes.

1.) Thailand Teachers. A friend(a teacher in Thailand that is from New Jersey) that got caught up in the mob in Bangkok needed a place to lay low for a few days so she decided to travel to Texas. She learned many things while she stayed here: that there is no basement in the Alamo, that the Spurs come before everything (even friends running from Thai mob), that when camping always pack the rain tarp(see reason 3), and how many teeth a zebra has. Anyways, she was used to a time zone where she would be waking up about the time we go to sleep so we tried to cater to her needs (and there were like 2, she's not very needy) by showing her around the city all night long, all while working all day. So Jenny is a small reason my eyes are going to crap, but she is welcome back anytime, next year!

2.) The San Antonio Spurs. They seem to be playing some late games lately. And if they are on then I am watching. Usually not blinking. The thing is when they play I feel like I am there with them and I am taking charges as well. I tend to get too into the games and I think my heart rate goes up, as well as my blood pressure. Strangely enouph my cholesterol goes down. The point is even if the game ends at a decent time, it takes about 5 hours to get my body down to a level where it is safe to lay flat. Playoffs are in full swing now which even heightens my Spur watching symptoms, so I will get no reprieve here. And don't lauph at such a advanced word use, I am looking at being a teacher someday.

side note:(For anyone that cares-I know Benu Uldrih personally. I danced with his cousin and now were almost best friends. I have no proof.)

3.) Tent Rain Guard. "Do we need this bulky thing?" I think was the question asked when packing for a trip to Enchanted Rock. The temperature out side was near 100, the sky had no cloud in the sky. Our guest Jenny(see reason 1) responded, "no way, we don't need that!" Well needless to say after a brilliant day of throwing rocks at birds and rabbits, hiking up dangerous jagged rocks, and making conference calls it preceded to rain all night long. It was a ten man tent that there were 17 of us, but it seemed that only Jenny(see reason 1), Jay and I absorbed the 5 hour down pour. This and the fact that it dropped to about 20 degrees limited my sleep this night, and took about 7 years from the youthfulness of my eyes. And all because of a quick decision(see reason 1 and 3).

4.) Netflix Ok Ok... I almost place the blame of this squarely on the shoulders of me. I tend to watch too many movies but only after I have worked a 10 hour work day, watched a Spurs game, eaten, played Halo on X-box and written a blog. So it is not really my fault. I do like movies. I just don't like to go to the store to look for movies. I am lazy enouph where I like them to be mailed to my front door, which is what Netflix does. I recommend everyone to join. Not only does late night movie watching cause me to have puffier bags under my eyes, it caused me to be able to quote from a endless amount of movies. Which comes in handy, on first dates. Or other words, last dates.

5.) This blog. I should be in bed now watching my movie(see reason 4) but instead I am up writing a few words to my 7 friends. But what can I say it is a passion of mine. If it were not for this blog, I would never be able to be serious in person. This gives me a chance to let go of all the stuff that rattles around in my head. But it does not take away from the fact that it deforms this head. I'll let you know that it is 2:15 in the morning right now, and I have yet to proof read this, which takes about 2 hours(and yes I proof read, you bunch of comedians). So I better keep this short. Until next time.


Anonymous said...

Dude, glad I made your blog, that darn girl from the land of Thai messed our schuedle all up, but it was worth it! Go Spurs

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am still awake too, and it is now 5 am. I guess if Doc or I do not go, disaster will strike your camping trip. If you need an outfitter next time, give me a little more lead time.

Joel said...

Hey don't knock on the Walmart bags!! They're great for luggage.

Anonymous said...

The Spurs sure are making it hard to make up the sleep lost camping! At least they don't play tonight, of course, Amazing Race and Netflix are going to prob keep me up late too!

Anonymous said...

You had to pick the worst weather day we've had to go camping! Way to go! Too bad you didn't stay home to catch the person who got your house, and quit blaming me! Joel that goes for you too!