Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Let me start by saying that this is weird. I haven't done this in so long it might take me 15 sentences or so to write something that is worth reading. So, for that matter, I will talk about what I have been up to for the first 12 sentences. I have been getting older. I don't mean just 28 days older, which is how long it has been since I have written a blog. I also don't want you to confuse my growing older with me growing wiser, for unfortunately that is not has not been the case either. I have however treated my body so badly that it(my body) has teamed up with, most likely with my mom, to nearly disable me and make me feel old and decrepit.(Ok, I apologize to the seriously old and decrepit, but I also know that if you are seriously old and decrepit you are not on computers.) Ok, so I have attempted over the past couple of months to do things I have done my whole life, which are listed here in no particular order... stupid. I am athletic(kind of)always up for a game of basketball or video games, I did however have a notion that I was also a great football player, even though I never played it. So what do I do? ok ok ok I am way past 15 sentences, and you don't care, so on to more stuff...

I want to share with you my new hobby. Tivo and On-Demand television. I shell out 8 extra single each month to have this technology pumped right into my room. YES, a clicker's reach away from my bed, and computer chair. And it is sad(what isn't when you really know me) but that is where I spend every waking hour. I have watched entire seasons of shows that I do not even care about just because I can. I have watched every series on HBO and Showtime, all while keeping up with Lost, 24, Amazing Race, Deadliest Catch, Pimp My Truck, Greys Anatomy, Boston Legal, OC and Sponge Bob Square Pants. It is really amazing(read: sad). I have sat in this room so long staring at the TV I am starting to look very pale and my eyes are falling to the back of my head. It is really amazing(read: exaggerated). This weekend I was informed about a channel that I did not know existed. Exercise-on-Demand. Channel 980 or something. The thing is you can bring up Pilates, Yoga, Stretching, Abs, Running, Meditation classes at any time. Now, I really don't ever have to leave my room but to eat and go to work. It is really amazing(read:amazing). Well, it was amazing till I just attempted a level two Abs class taught by a Nazi with steel abs. I am now forced to write this blog laying on the floor, because my abdominals hurt so bad I can not get myself off the floor. It is really quite amazing(read: "I need help!") So, I think tomorrow I am going to try something that sounds easier like this one I saw on there, "Breathing made Easy". But the whole, Tivo and On-Demand stuff is pretty cool, I just wish I could better limit myself to how much TV I watch a night, because it has gotten out of control lately. But hey that is my life's weakness, not knowing how to or when to stop doing things that are bad for me. Like right now it is 230 and I should be asleep, but I just can't seem to stop and go to bed. It is really amazing(read: no it is't). So on that note I will show a bit of control and go to bed before it gets much later. First, I got to watch a show though! Until next time.

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