Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A little more about me...

I figured that since this is my blog, I can do with it what I like. And I would like to take about five minutes of your time to talk solely about myself. You may be thinking that , that is all I do on here anyways, and you would be wrong. Most other times when I talk about myself, I have been lying. So this one will be straight forward, honest and should have very few parts exaggerated. I was thinking about how exactly to type about myself in a way that would let all the people that don't know me to well outside of the internet to really get a grasp of what I am like if I am seen in person. I figured the best way would be to pretend that I am standing in front of a huge audience of my readers, ok... well a semi circle of fold out chairs in a living room would be more like it. I thought it would be best to type what I would share if this were a live audience. So here goes.

me: Hi, welcome to my parents living room, they graciously stepped out for their evening walk so that I could have the room to myself and have you all over. My mom did make her famous and my favorite, M&M cookies, so please help your self at any time.

person in audience
: Do you still live here?

me: Yes, it is just temporary though. Let's move on...

person in audience: Aren't you almost 30, why do you live here?

me: ummmm, twenty eight is a long way from thirty, and I did stay in a dorm in college. But I will have a question and answer time later if you would like to hold all....

person in audience: Why don't you move out, dork!

: ummmmm... Because right now I am trying to save up as much money as I can so that I can travel the world and meet hot chicks from new and exciting countries! I Was going to start my speech about myself actually with sharing with you that I like to tre....

person in audience: What happens when you tell the "hot chick from new countries" that your almost 30 and live at home?! HAHAHAHAHAHA

me: ummm. First off, like I said twenty eight is no where near 30, and second of all, I would hope that any respectable girl would find my honesty in sharing such a tidbit would find me desirable.

female in audience: No she wouldn't, she would find it creepy and slap you. Why do you still live at home, dork? hahaha

me: Trust me pretty lady....

female in audience
: Don't call me that, or I'll break your arms.

: Ummm... aaaa... I was just going to say that it is not a permanent housing plan. I have goals and aspirations. I will have a great job and make six figures one day, and I will be a great husband...

person in audience: No you won't.

me: Well, you are certainly in titled to your opinion, but that is just what it is your opinion, not the groups...

the whole audience: Yes it is.

me: Ummmmm.... shall I continue..... I'll take the silence as a yes. Travel is not my only love. I also love movies. I own about 350 DVD now and I.....

person in audience: You really are a dork.

me: Umm please hold all comments until the end, my parents only make two laps around the block and I am hoping we have time at the end to talk about the possibility of dues being paid to read my blog. I was thinking that....

person in audience: You have to be kidding. What are you going to charge us for these terrible cookies too? Dork.

: Well, that is voluntary actually, the little jar next to the cookies is supposed to be for tips, but don't feel obligated. As for the dues, we can take a vote at the end of this...

whole audience: We all vote no.

me: ummmm... I respect your choice, shall I continue?

whole audience: NO!

me: ummm... So, I guess that brings this to a close, I am glad you all came out tonight, and would like to answer any questions you might have besides "why do you....


: please leave.

whole group
: Gladly.

me: **cry**


p.s. Just to clear some things up. I do not live at home. Twenty eight IS a long way from thirty. I do like to travel. I am not a dork. And I wouldn't really cry.

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