Friday, April 01, 2005

Used Book Stores and Big News

Well for those of you that have been praying for me to get better, I'm not quite well, and those of you praying for me to stop blogging, I'm over my writers block. No better way to come out of a writing fog then to step foot in a used book store. I don't think I have ever experienced any thing like that before. I think they look for extremely weird people when they hire for the job of used book librarian. The application must include the following questions: "Do you have at least 5 visible tattoos and body pearcings?, Do you get mistaken for the opposite sex?, Do you wear clothes from Goodwill?, Are you pale?" and, "If you answered 'No' to any of the above questions, rip this application up and go to Barnes and Noble." Well, they might not be in that order, but it was quite a culture shock. I have been known to read, mainly when I was 9 and I was reading to get free pizza from Pizza Hut, but I still like to pick up a book every now and then. Like just the other night I picked up a book off my dresser, wiped off the dust, read the title, got all excited, jumped in bed, got cozy, opened it up and fell asleep while reading the "this is dedicated to..." part. So what, I have trouble finishing books. I think I should get paid millions to be a book reviewer, and if I stay awake through the whole book then it has to be great. Anyways, I have to admit, after the initial shock of being in a used book store, with all those used books that have been read by complete strangers, I became sucked into its power. I started grabbing books left and right and looking at them, and being interested! I have looked at books at Borders before and have been interested, but when I looked at the same book here, and saw the $29.99 price marked down to $4.95, all of a sudden the book seemed way more interesting and manageable. When I see a $30.00 book, I am interested till it comes time to buy it and then I tell my self, "You'll never finish it!", and I set it down and run out of the store. But here at the Used Book Megastore, when I saw the $4.95 price I picked it up. And another. And another. And two more. And one last one. I checked out, and my total was $30.00. Yep, I could have just gone to the nice clean shaven voodoo free bookstore and gotten just one book to not read, but now I have SIX! At least they'll make nice coasters. Anyways, enough of that talk on to more important news. I got an e-mail this morning from a company in Boston that finds talented young writers and gives them special assignments around the world to write about. Kind of like a traveling reporter. Actually it is a traveling reporter, not kinda like one. They have offered me a position to travel through Asia and write about what I see. I am very shocked by this offer. So shocked in fact that I decided I would rather mail packages till I'm 44, and so I declined there six figure offer. And of course you all know that I am just playing an April Fools joke on you. They wanted me to travel to Africa not Asia!!!! Until next time.

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