Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Funk, The Force and the Wardrobe

Can I start off by saying that I have been in a funk lately? Of course I can, first off, this is my blog and second, it has been obvious I have been in a funk lately. I have not had many entries lately, and the only reason I have found(and I looked for like an hour)is that I have been in a funk. A good old fashion funk. If you do not know what a funk is I will save you a trip to the phone book. It is when your motivation to do something dips below a 3 on the 1-10 motivation scale, founded by Hulk Hogan I think. I was at 1 for about a month. A further definition of funk is when you can find excuses to not do something you should, and usually these excuses are terrible. I found that doing absolutely nothing was easier then working on a blog entry. I would read newspapers that were weeks old, label all my underwear and socks, and organize all my past due bills, anything to keep from blogging. I did not think I could ever write a blog again. This nasty funk was unfortunately spread from another area, that being my workout routine. I had discovered it is way easier to not work out and lay in bed until 30 minutes before I should be at work, then to wake up early work out and be sore for weeks. I think this is where my blogless funk started. If my funk would only spread to my eating habits I would be skinny. Anyway, I am happy to announce, and I hesitate announcing this, but I have officially lost my funk. Actually it is probably hiding in my reading habits, but I will let it hang out there for a while. This way I can blog more and become insainly muscular(hot).

Did every one know what happens on this Thursday morning at 12:01 in the a.m.? It is simply a large gathering of dorks, but I like to disguise that definition with Star Wars Anonymous. People have had their tickets under lock and key over the past two weeks, and have polished there Darth Masks to wear to the opening of the newest installment of Star Wars. All you ladies should take note, that every movie theater will have a huge number of single men. Probably the largest gathering of singles since the last Star Wars movie came out, or the last Star Trek convention(but I guess they are one in the same). Anyways, who would go to a movie at midnight, knowing they have to be up the following morning at 7:00 am to work? Foolish. I guess the same kind of person that has tried to use the Force to retrieve the remote control from the other side of the room.

Does anyone of you 6 think that their closet is full of a wide variety of clothes? What an impossible task. Keeping up with trends, keeping up with brands, and keeping up a savings account while keeping up with the others. I made A's B's and an ocational C in school but I have a F in the wardrobe department. I have my closet divided into two parts. Extremely stained and less noticable stained. In each of those groups I have sub groups. Flowered and t-shirts. I have one shirt that the others in the closet have made stand alone by itself. That would be my lone trendy shirt. I am known, when I go out, as the guy in the flowered shirt or the same trendy shirt guy. My jeans are all the same color. I have one pair that looked ruined when I bought them, with all sorts of bleach lines in them, they are my lone trendy pair. I won't talk about my shoe situation, because I'd like to keep some dignity. I do have my name in all my underwear and socks though. Anyways, I guess I just need help in the department of shopping. I have allowed the Funk to live comfortably in my shopping habits, since birth. But, it has allowed me to have enough money to buy Darth Vader helmets. COOL, moved the remote with the Force I did! Until next time.


Anonymous said...

Kevin!! This is a hilarious blog! Ok yes anyone that knows you knows about the lone trendy outfit and the closet full of flower shirts!! You can't change that, it fits you literally! As far as you "moving the remote with the force"... um yeah I believe you. :)

Anonymous said...

oh Kevin, you and your flowered shirts are legendary. I do have to say though, that the last time that I saw you in what I'm assuming was the lone trendy outfit, you were looking mighty nice. If you ever get the urge to go buy some trendy shirts just give me a call, ask Jay, I enjoy helping him pick out shirts! Enjoy being exhausted after the Sith, I'll be joining you guys somewhere around viewing number 3 :)

Joel said...

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