Monday, May 09, 2005

One of those days....

Have you ever had one of those days? Has anyone ever told you, "Man(or woman), I have had one of those days." Have you ever said the phrase, "I have had one of those days."? What does 'one of those days' really mean? I plan on telling you. Well, I actually plan on making up what it means because I have no clue what it really means. I don't even know what my own phone number with out looking at my phone info. Anyways, what I believe it means is simply that you have encountered a day that you wish you had not encountered. A day that is filled with one annoying thing after another like cutting yourself while shaving, stepping in dog poop, cellular signal keeps fading while on an important call, difficult customers at work, snagging your favorite shirt... and so on. All of these things added up makes for 'one of those days.' I think(actually I know) that if worse stuff happens it would be categorized as a 'bad day', not just 'one of those days.' It is a fine line but a 'bad day' takes 'one of those days' and multiplies it by anywhere from 2-5 times. It would be cutting yourself while shaving and forgetting to take the tissue off the cut while meeting your blind date(not blind as in Ray), falling in dog poop on your way to a job interview, cellular fades while talking to Angelina Jolie about a possible rendezvous, customers with a gun or 90 year olds all day with bad hearing, having your shirt ripped by a mugger who takes your wallet and passport and kicks you in the face.... and so on. All of these would constitute a 'bad day' for sure. But you can not have a 'bad day' or 'one of those days' unless you had a day that would act as the placebo. I think a 'good day' would be that. I think everyday that is not 'one of those days' or a 'bad day' has to fall in the category of a 'good day.' An example of a 'good day' would be not having to shave, stepping on a wad of hundred dollar bills(then putting it in pocket), talking to Angelina with full reception bars about where to meet for dinner, having all beautiful single female customers and using the hundreds you found to buy six new shirts... and so on. I guess what I am trying to say is I guess we live life pretty much as 'one of those days.' So now when someone says they have had 'one of those days' I am just going to laugh at them and take their wallet and kick them in the face, and say "now you have had a 'bad day.'" I'm kidding of course, I would say what I always say, "yep, I know what that's like." And then I would finish cleaning the poop off my shoe, and continue helping irritating customers. Well, it has been 'one of those days' for me so I better go. I hope you all have 'good days' and stay away from 'bad days,' I got to go sew up this shirt for work tomorrow. Until next time.


Anonymous said...

Funny Kevin. When Angelina and Brad come to town (so she can date you of course)call me and I'll take him off your hands when you are having your rendezvous with her. :) Hope you have one of those days and not one of those bad, got your ass kicked and your wallet stolen, days tomorrow.

Joel said...

You wrote this right after you wussed out on Halo last night, didn't you?? ;-)

Anonymous said...

well, yesterday was a good day so it would only be fitting that today would be "one of those days" I have a great thing for you to add to your list of things that happen to you on those days. have you ever had your smoke alarm beep very loudly every minute starting at about 4 AM and never ending? well, that was the start to my day today, leaving me not only tired but having a pretty bad headache! Now lets hope this day doesn't head towards a "bad day" :)