Sunday, November 27, 2005

Text Messages and Time Machines

I hope everybody's Thanksgiving extended weekend was as terrific as mine. I hope all the turkeys were fully cooked and the yams were a safe distance away. I hope each of you were able to take a few minutes to quietly reflect on what you are thankful for. I hope you each got to spend time with family or friends and have a joyous time eating tons of food and then napping on the couch during the Cowboy's game. That is what I love about this time of year family, friends and helping after helping of food. I however take away from this thanksgiving a few new life changing gifts as well. For I finally learned the full capability of sending text messages through a cellular phone and I now understand the intricacies of the possibility of time travel. Each of these though different in spelling are similar in the way they have affected me over this past weekend. I will explain.

I do not know of either of you know me well enough to know this but I am a bit behind the curve on trends. I was 22 when I first got a Game Boy, and the X-box was already out. I just recently realized that flannel shirts, no matter how cool the plaid design were, are not cool anymore. Well at 27 I have been making huge strides toward catching up with the trends. I have now purchased a second trendy shirt(a shirt that looks like a guy dressed himself and was not dressed by his mother) I have a pair of trendy shoes(shoes that hurt your feet but go with your belt and wallet) I even have put a pair a trendy jeans(ones that look as if they are used, faded, torn, or stained yet still have a sky high price tag on them) on my Christmas wish list. So the point is I am make baby steps toward being trendy. But I realized I was still missing something, and before you make jokes and say it is a girlfriend to pick out trendy clothes for me so I don't even have to worry about such things, I know that is also true, but there is something else I realized I was missing out on. I can walk down the street, or mall, or even drive down the road and I see people looking at their cell phone but never talking on it. I see this all the time. At first I assumed they were just on speaker phone, but they were not talking to it and I heard no voices. At my house my roommates phones would ring they would pick it up and look at it, hit a few buttons and then set it back down like there was nothing to it, and repeat the process in a few minutes. That is when it hit me(actually it hit me after I asked about sixty questions about how it worked), these are text messages. I have been missing the boat all these years. I have simply not answered the phone if I did not want to talk, now I can just read a sentence and write back a few words and the conversation is done. It might change my life. I just activated texting on my phone and can now chat on my phone. Now the thing is typing on a phone is not as easy as typing on a computer, it is actually about 100 times harder, especially while walking down the street, or in the mall, or driving in rush hour.

As you know, or might not know unless you have been spying on me, but I enjoy movies slightly more then I enjoy Fruity Pebbles. Another little know fact is that I am mentally disturbed, no I'm not, yes I am, no I'm not. But I do know this, well I am fairly certain about the possibilities of time travel. According to the movie Donnie Darko time travel happens all the time, and it is way more believable then how Quantum Leap or Stargate portrays it. I will give you a quick gist of how it happens. It is mainly in your dreams, and then you live out the future in your dreams, and when God allows it you stay in your dream and carry out mystical missions, until one day you wake up and you are in a cartoon. It gets better if you can believe it. You also have the power to summon all the water and fire in the world and do with as you please, as long as it does not disrupt any of the future, because you will really be living in a Tangent Universe. Hold on this is where it gets good. If all goes well in this Tangent Universe then after 28 days of living in it you will be able to start back at the beginning of the 28 days and this time be in the real universe. And then you wake up and you are not sure if you saved the world or it is just a dream. It all has something to do with geometry. But if you watch Donnie Darko you will understand it all. But for me I am going to send out a few texts before I take a few sleeping pills so that I can maybe save the world while I sleep. Look for me. And hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Until next time.

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