Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A Fill in the Blank Bed Time Story. By Boris

As far as my reading has taken me(about ten feet), I have always come up with better characters and main objects in every story I have read. It tends to keep me interested in the story longer. So, why not have a story in which the reader makes up for themselves the main parts of the story.

Once upon a time there lived a magical __________ that lived in the forrest and would pick food from the orchard to feast upon each day. This was magical fruit and the most magical fruit of all was the ________ which when she/he/it(sheit) would eat this fruit sheit would radiate everything that is right in the world. Like happiness, love, ____________ and ____________. Sheit always smelled like roses, would always wear a smile, always sing happy songs, and would skip around instead of walk. Sheit had a pet ___________ that was the most loyal ________________ in the universe. Nothing could made sheit upset except the mean, bad, smelly, ________, vile, no-good monster that always tried to eat sheit named _______________. This evil creature had one job, which was to make sheit ___________________ as often as possible. The mean villain would try every day to stir sheit up in a vat of hot boiling tar, but every day sheit used the magical fruit to ward the evil doer off. All sheit had to do to keep the monster named ___________, at arms length and say _____________________________________________, and the vile creature would run off with teary eyes.
One time not so long ago, sheit got ill and was unable to pick the magical fruit. The mean mean goblin took advantage of sheit in this weakend state, and was able to take sheit to the edge of the black forest where sheit could not reach the magical fruit.
Sheit was in the dumps for sure, missing the lovely fruits and most loyal pet she had ever had. That is when sheit let out a trumpet blast so high pitch that only a pet who's a true friend could hear. Sheit had summoned ____________________. Armed with a basket of magical fruit the _______________ ran and run to the edge of the dark forest where the evil monster kept a firm grip on sheit. Not to be denied the loyal pet summond all the powers of the fruit and leapt 40 feet into the air right into the dungeon, tossing the most magical fruit to sheit.
Seizing the fruit in a quick move thought only to be bestowed upon kings, sheit made a move for the fruit and in one fell swoop __________________________________________________________ until the monster was begging for mercy.
Being merciful sheit decided to befriend the evil monster and share the powerful fruit with the ruthless monster. Once the monster bit into it ______________________________________ and then they _______________________ happily ever after. The end.

Ok, I am going to be honest for the first time in seven days. I should have never started this blog. Much too deep. I thought it would be an easy story, telling a story with no main character or plots. But I think it ended up being even harder then writing medical journals in the third grade. So print it out and fill in the blanks if you want or just roll your eyes like always and finish with your day. Until next time.

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