Monday, January 30, 2006

Matador's and Other Unnoticed Useful Things

What would be better then sitting on the edge of your fifth row seat, unblinking, and hearing the sound of thousands of others chanting jibberish in unison with you, as a man in tights with a red cape spears a bull in its jugular and blood gushes from its throat until it falls into a dead heap of twitching muscle and fur? Honestly I can think of many things better. But it does remind me of a movie I watched tonight. The Matador. It was about an assassin that looses his mind a bit. It was self assuring to know that even a character in a movie, if cleverly written and brilliantly acted, could be more jumbled up then I. Anyways, the movie was cleverly written and brilliantly acted, by both Pierce Bronson and Greg Kinner. If I had the authority to give thumbs up I would, but that is taken. Stars and Jalapinos are taken too. So is One-thru-ten System. So, I will just give it my own made up rating score of $^# This stands for IT WAS WELL WORTH THE MONEY($)AND IT STANDS ABOVE(^)A NUMBER(#)OF OTHER MOVIES I HAVE SEEN. I'll go into more depth about my rating system in another blog. Because that is something pointless and unnecessary, so it should be easy for me to write a 500 word blog on it. I can go on for hours about stuff like that, it is the serious stuff I have problems with. So with that in mind, I would like to share with you a few things that I used to never notice, but I have since realized that they are quite useful in life.

Shopping for cereal is a treat I save for days when I am really tired, down and hungry. And last Wensday I was all of the above. So I bought three kinds of cereal and a gallon of milk, and some Big Red Fire Hot gum if you must know. Anyways, I got to my car holding three plastic bags, opened up my car door and reached into the back seat to place the bags down when I noticed a small hook behind my seat and about eleven inches off the ground. After staring at it for close to 45 seconds, I decided that it was there to put the handles of the plastic bags I has holding on, and so I did. And you know what? Ever turn I took it too on the way home, I smiled because I knew my milk and cereals were not going to be sliding all over the back seat because of that little hook that I had no idea was there. So for the rest of the week I have been trying to think of other objects of things that have gone unnoticed to my eyes that are quite useful. Low and behold, the next night while eating some good 'ole healthy Taco Bell for dinner in front of the TV, another thing dawned on me. I never use the napkins they give me. Nobody in my house does I believe. I looked at our coffee table and there was a stack of unused napkins from 15 different fast food joints and they were all right there. Brown ones, bright white ones, ones with the company printed on them and some with the company embossed into them. I kid you not, but as I was thinking about how strange it was to have so many random napkins on a coffee table, I spilt my coke all over the floor. That is when I realized why there were so many napkins right there. After I cleaned up the mess, I was on high alert for anything else that was useful with out me really even knowing it. This lasted 45 seconds and then I decided to watch a movie from the cosey confines of my bed. I threw in a dvd, jumped in bed, smiled and then froze. Something was wrong! The remote to control the TV was not where it has been 365 days a year(that being within arms reach). I panicked, I looked high and low and could not find it. I lay there on the bed staring at a blank TV, while I watched the DVD player sitting with the power on. I sat staring for a good 45 seconds when I realized something I had not noticed ever in my life. The TV had buttons on it. And upon closer inspection they had buttons that controlled the POWER, the VOLUME and the CHANNELS. Wow, another unnoticed object has just effected my life. So my goal for the remainder of the weekend was to searched the house, my car, and pretty much everywhere for things that I never noticed before. I found cleaning supplies under a cabinet that I never knew where there, and I promptly shut that cabinet. Then I opened another cabinet that had mouthwash, deodorant, toothpaste in it. That is when I realized that I should have had all these thoughts years ago. So I tried to stop thinking about the things in life that are not always noticed but are very useful. I stopped thinking about it just long enouph to drive over to my parents for dinner(6 minutes and 45 seconds) on Saturday night, and the whole family was over. My brother was there with his wife and kids, my sister was there with her husband and kids and of course my parents where there with there kids. We all had a great time of fellowship, lauphter and had wrestling wars. It got me thinking later that night that the most useful thing in life is family and most of the time we don't even know it. They provide all the love and support we need to get through life. Well.. I didn't see the blog turning in this direction earlier but since it is already turned, another thing I have noticed, is that small things that seem like they go unnoticed, like a smile, a pat on the back, or a simple word of encouragement can brighten someone's day even though it might not be noticed by the encourager. Think about these for 45 seconds. Ok, now there was one more thing I just realized. One of the major thing that I have not noticed lately is sleep, but I think I am going to see if it is useful right now. So in keeping with the more serious topics, my next blog will be on the Seven Secrets of Dating. It will be all questions. Until next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if you need anybody to help you with your next blog i can. i had a relationship...once in highschool. so i pretty much know everything :)