Thursday, January 19, 2006

Maybe my Worst Blog to Date.

I know that the hand full of you people that check this site have been waiting patiently for another blog. But unfortunatly I do not have another one ready. I do not have anything ready right now. I do not have anything ready in my life right now. In fact laudry has been sitting clean on the foot of my bed for three days. I think it is turning dirty. I have just not been able to finish anything lately. If I make it through this blog it will be amazing. I started a book last week and was really enjoying it, maybe one of my favorites I have ever started. And you know from past blogs about my reading habits, but for some reason this week I have just not picked it up. I am not uptight about too much but there is one thing that bugs me and it is sitting down to watch a movie and not getting to finnish it. Well again this week has been crazy for that too, I have started two movies, Academy Award calaber movies, and I have not made it to the end of either. It has just been the weirdest week ever in terms of getting things finnished or completed. And I know that I do not usually use this blog to complain about me but it just seems strange. I have been out to eat each day this week and if you have seen me in person you know I do not miss meals regularly, and as you would know it I have not finnished a one of them. I eat half and then for some reason sit there and only read half the article form the magazine I brought with me to read. It seems like I am being tested as to weither I look at life as being half full or half empty. What does that mean? Seems to me that if I am not getting things done and nothing seems to make since this week that it is half empty, but even with it half empty it is still half full at the same time. Ok, so that makes since only to me but I do know I have ruined a blog with pointless babble about the level of my life. So maybe we should move on to the real problem. I think that I am

(p.s. I know I ended another blog in the same way but for this to be a worst blog ever it needed three things, 1. to be unorigional(hince the ending) 2. Be boring(hince the talk of my boring life) 3. gramatically inaccuarate(hince the no spell check today) Until next time.


Joel said...

There's absolutely nothing wrong with starting things and not finishing them. I have to tell myself that everytime I start something. haha ok, it sucks

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I couldn't finish Bareback...err...Brokeback Mountain either.