Monday, January 09, 2006

A Top Ten of my New Year

The first week of this new year has provided me with quite a few revelations. Some amazing some not so amazing, but all easily explained in a sentence and listed from 10 to 1.

10. Brought in the New Year with a bang, only having to apologize to one person for my actions, setting a new personal record.

9. Instead of gaining 10 pounds over the Holidays, I actually lost weight, meaning I am probably hungry or still in a funk.

8. Made 7 three pointers in one evening playing basketball, breaking my old record of none.

7. Drove over five hours in one sitdown and not once had my mind focused on the road, which explains nothing.

6. Drank five Red Bulls and listened to sad country music for five hours in one sitdown, which almost explains everything.

5. Got so ill one night that I thought I was going to die, which makes this list because I never get sick, and when else in my blog could I say extreme vomiting.

4. Ate a quarter pound bag of Skittles before 9:45 in the morning breaking an old record of 9:45 in the evening.

3. Spent 44 hours out of 72 driving in a van over a three day span, breaking no personal records.

2. Got to tell one of my child hood villians that "I hated you my whole life!" and then snaped a picture of his expression.(see pic below)

1. Oh yeah and I got to wittness the Rose Bowl first hand, watching Vince Young completely befuddle a team that had two Heisman Trophy winners and a winning streak of 34. TEXAS 41-38 USC!

Until next time.


Joel said...

That John Stockton picture is the funniest thing I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

John Stockton can suck my balls