Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Parable-attempt

As no one knows I have not had written a blog in over a week. Which means no one has wondered why and no one will care why I haven't, but for the sake of filling up a few lines of cyber space, I will now type to myself to figure out exactly what it is have been up to over the past week and a half. All that comes to mind are a bunch of opposites. I have been up late at night, and I have been to bed early-as in before the local news comes on. I have gotten up early and I have woken up late-as in late in the afternoon as well as late for work. I have had my mind filled with so many thoughts from both spheres of my brain-as in both intelligent thoughts and silly daydreams(I know you might not think I know the difference between these two, and you may be right.) I have been on a health kick-as in going to the gym, as well as an unhealthy kick-as in watching almost every show television has too offer. I have been happy-as in a smile, as well as sad-as in... well if I cried, tears. So as I see it, I have had somewhat of a seesaw of happenings over the the past while. The more I think about it there has to be a life teaching lesson in my findings about myself. After thinking about it even more, mainly with the side of my brain that I think with most-yes the silly daydream side, I think I can write a parable about my past week. Of course my intelligent side of my brain is begging me not to try. But here goes. Since this is the first thought I gave to what Parable even means, I checked on Dictionary.com and this is the definition.
1. a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson.
2. a statement or comment that conveys a meaning indirectly by the use of comparison, analogy, or the like.

Once upon a time in a dark closet, lived a rope about 10 feet long. It is a thick rope, both ends are worn and patched with tape. Right at the midway point this rope a red ribbon tied around its waist. This rope was used roughly, but was not used every day, just in certain seasons. Simply it was rope but more complicatedly it was a tug-a-war rope. Children would use this rope. It was used in gym class. It was never treated with much respect but was so important in the outcome of the game. The game of Tug-a-War. Kids would divide up into teams on each side of the rope. Each side had kids that were different sizes different shapes different smells. Each side had its fair share of small kids but each side had the one big kids that would try to rally the troops. Next the kids would line up on either side of this rope and would hold tightly on to their side of the rope. Yanking in unison each side would pull their hardest to try and pull the other side toward their side of the room. If the red ribbon crossed the determined area then the one side of children would win. Usually they would dance and trash talk to the other team, pointing at the weakest on the other team and yell "you had no chance wimpy!" This is what this rope had to live with during its life. Even though it is not always used it is the only device that can be used in the gym class game of Tug-a-war.
(OK the meaningful part, I think)
Once upon a time in a dark mind, lived some will power about a mile long. It is an invisible desire, both ends are stubborn and patched with longings. Right at the midway point of this will power, a final decision is tied around its choices. This will power was used frenziedly, but was not used on every little decision, just in most life's main issues. Simply it was will but more complicatedly it was a tug-a-will power. Minds would use this will. It was used in decision making. It was never treated with much respect but was so important in the outcome of the decision. The game of Tug-a-Will. Convictions would divide up into teams on each side of the will power. Each side had convictions that had different morals different belief different motivations. Each side had its fair share of irrelevant ideas but each side had the one big conviction that would try to persuade the other thoughts. Next, the convictions would line up on either side of this will power and would hold tightly on to their side of the will. Yanking as one big thought each side would pull their hardest to try and pull the other beliefs toward their side of the decision making pool. If the final decision crossed the frontal lobe then the one side of thinking would happen. Eventually the final decision would feel good and make fun to the losing thought, pointing at the weakest conviction on the other deciding factors and yell "you had no chance wimpy!" This is what this will power had to live with during its life. Even though it is not always used it is the only device that can be used in the decision making process of Tug-a-Will.

Well what I guess I was trying to get at is I feel i have been having a tug-a-will with myself over the past week or two. Pulling your self in different ways trying to come up with a path to take is rouph on the body, mind and spirit-judging by the buises that have appeared and the bags of ugly under my eyes that have appeared I have been playing this game pretty hard. So I guess there is a better way to come to a decision. Draw straws.

Until next time.

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