Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Who's Blog is it Anyways

In the spirit of Longhorn football season being under way. I the spirit of Cowboy football season a few days away. And in the spirit of Saturdays being spent on couches all over this great nation, I wanted to have a blog that included the audience. I know that for me that means it should be more in the spirit of a rained out pop warner football game, but still I wanted to have some crowd participation. I tried it once before to get a vote on one of two pictures I should write about. Well that vote came to 2-1 and I think one person voted twice, to negate my one vote. So I am confident that this time there will be a flood of responce:)

I kind of want to do a simple questionaire. And since this is my blog for now, if i kinda want to do something, that is all the permission I need to go ahead and do it. So with out much extra thoughspillage, because my mind is in high gear tonight, I would appriciate if at least 3 people could answer these 4 simple questions. I need a topic for a short story. And like the t.v. show staring Drew Carrey I need some help with a few of the main parts of this story. I will then tabulate the results most likely using the fingers on my left hand, and then i will use all ten fingers and I will create a story of insperation, wonder and most likely confusion. But it will be in your hands what the story will be shaped as. So keep that in mind as you spend probably thirty seconds making up your mind. Here we go. I am making it multiple choice incase you draw a blank, but I incourage you to come up with your own ideas as in answer D.) Sweet... now go.

1. Who should be the main character for my story? A.) a boy B.) a girl C.)a dog D.) _________fill in your own.

2. What should be the main characters occupation or hobby? A.) a student B.)a blogger C.)a elephant trainer D.)__________fill in your own.

3. What should be the main characters special talent? A.) Mind reading B.) juggling C.) Healing D.)________fill in your own.

4. What should be the main characters weakness? A.) Snakes B.) the opposite sex C.) clowns D.)__________fill in your own.

I know bad questions. For extra credit you can just give me an idea. You are probably the only one that is going to respond, if you ever even do that, so I'll just use that one. Haha.
Until next time.


Anonymous said...

Main character: Siberian dwarf hamster... Special talent: sticking hot dogs up his nose...Occupation and hobby: Dentist and flying kites... Weakness: red lipstick

Anonymous said...

1. D - A Jawabalee
2. D - a small imaginary creature who lives in the bushes and protects you if you believe in him.
3. D - protecting you!!!
4. D - spoons

La!!!!! (ashes la)

Anonymous said...

1. one of those big 100 yr old turtles
2. a race car driver
3. spitting far
4. licking the nasty glue off of envelopes

Anonymous said...

1. Steve Irwin
2. Crocodile Hunter
3. Snake handling
4. Stingrays (sorry...too soon?)

Seriously though, I thought of Steve Irwin before I read the last question.
