Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Happy Endings?

Let me first start off by saying that Blogs By Boris has reached new heights. We have finally reached double figures in traffic. I have heard news that for the first time in the now 9 months of blogging, someone new has read the blog, bringing the total now to 10 that have seen this sight. I will be throwing a party next week to commemorate this treasured occasion. It will be a pot puck party so bring good stuff, please don't be cheap. Ok moving on...

I may or may not have mentioned the fact that I started the Reality Show watching craze. I believe I was the first person to watch the first episode of the first Survivor and deemed it great. Once I spread the word, the Nation and the World followed suit, and after ten seasons no reality show has had as many viewers as Survivor. I am proud of this, even though the only award I got was that one I made my self in MS Paint. It should be noted that I only liked and watched the first three seasons of Survivor, and some of Survivor All Stars. But enouph people loved the other seasons that it still reigns king. The emergence of this reality show caused really rich people to think for themselves instead of paying creative people to do it, and these TV executives started producing terrible reality shows, like Joe Schmo, the Swan and Outback Jack. The only good child that has come from the Survivor, besides Laguna Beach, was The Amazing Race. I believe in a past blog I mentioned that this is the best show on TV, and I stand by that now. Really great stuff. In my mail center manager opinion it is some of the best TV you can watch. It has eclipsed Survivor and I have watched every episode give or take 12 of all eight seasons give or take 2. I have not missed any lately though, because this season was just so damn good, oh... and because I pay extra each month to have TiVo record the show for me if my busy mail center manager job has me tied down. Well, tonight was the night of nights! The season finally! And TiVo was going to have to do the job again. I looked forward to this night for two weeks. Like a kid in the candy store, I rushed home tonight, sat my happy butt on the couch, ripped open my Jack's Spicy Chicken, took my shoes off, grabbed the remote, threw my shoes in the other room because of the smell, turned on the TV, pressed the button that shows the list of recorded shows, scrolled down to find The Amazing Race, dripped ketchup out of my chicken sandwich onto my nice pants with out knowing it, find The Amazing Race listed, select it, SCREAM A CURSE WORD, slam my fists into my legs and smear ketchup down my pants and notice it. Turns out TiVo was full and it only recorded one hour and forty five minutes of a special two hour season finally. Do you know what happens in the last 15 minutes of a race around the world between 14 groups of 4 family members, that has a team eleminated each week and was now down to the final three teams all of which would like to see the other teams dead? SOMEONE WINS! I am writing this blog right now to you 10 people and I do not know who won this race. I have watched religiously for 3 1/2 months. And this is what I get. Unbelievable. It's like knowing Santa Clause is real for the first 18 years of your life and then finding out that that he isn't. It's like playing a game a Jenga, a really good game that has people sweating, and all the teams are really in it, the Jenga tower is 6 feet high and there are only 3 possible moves left, and someone bumps the table knocking the Jenga peices to the floor and leaveing the game with no decernable winner. It sucks. But things could be worse I guess. I could be the guy that works at a chinese buffett and stirs food to make it look fresh. Moving on...

I need to change subjects... I am getting to worked up and much to long winded. I have a great piece of information to tell you all. I have had a really great thing happen to me over the past few weeks. Something that I never though could happen. Something so profound that money nor guns could not cause this to happen to anyone else, but it has happened to me. It just might change my life forever. It has caused me to reevaluate my life, and has had such a profound effect on me that I might not ever be the same again. Even typing about how I feel makes me shiver with body shakes. I don't think in a million years that this could happen again, but it has happened to me these past few weeks. There is an amazing story that goes with it, but I feel I can not get the story out because I am just so excited, so I think I will just tell you in one sentence my huge news that has changed my life over the past two weeks. I am proud to let each of you know that I have f Blog out of Space.

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