Friday, March 04, 2005

I'm Baaaaack.

Well it is good to know that 3 people have been waiting on my next post. I however have been on vacation this past week. I have been visiting Hell for the past 6 days. Started last Friday when I got off work and started packing up everything I owned, into Wal-mart sacks, mail bins(sorry), and trash cans. I then spent all Saturday(which rained all day) and Sunday(which did have sunshine) moving from a 8,000 square foot house into a 800 square foot house. Give or take a thousand. So this wore me out for the weekend. Stayed up late Sunday night trying to clear a path so I could get to my bed to sleep. Well after about a combined 12 hours of sleep over Fri-Sat-Sun nights I need a nice slow day at work to unwind. Nope Monday must be some tax day for 3/4th of San Antonio and 1/2 of them come to us in Stone Oak to mail their letters, and the other half stood in front of me in line at the post office when I took mail there that night. Just wonderful. It is now late when get home, to find out there is no water in the house and I bathed with a tooth brush in the sink with a bottle of Ozarka. Tuesday was just as busy, and to add to it, my car was about to be ready. I needed to find a interest rate that would be low enough to allow me to afford food each month. Well... It is 930 I need to be at work in 30 minutes and I need to go shower with my toothbrush again so Ill finish this later. Until then.


Joel said...

Complain, complain, complain. ;-)

No mention of your roommate spending approximately 1 hour and 59 minutes on the CELL PHONE with Time Warner last night to get that internet connection [not] working (30 minutes of that phone call was spent eating a burger at Chester's using just one hand--not easy)?

Anonymous said...

Yeah Kevin and no mention of your wonderful friend who came and helped you into the wee hours, arranging your furniture over and over and getting your room organized! And this is for your roomate, Joel.. I can not believe you were on the phone that long!! Crazy!