Sunday, March 20, 2005

Lab Rats and The Office

Hello, to all. I wanted to be the first person to tell you this. I am OK. I made it 10 weeks taking a non-public experimental allergy medication. I know no one else would probably tell you this, because no one else cares, but I thought I would just throw it out there that I am OK. The medication did cause me to sprout an ungodly amount of chest hair and I will be suing for that but, for all heath purposes, I am OK. We finished our time off with a 48 hour stayover. This is the part where you really earn your money. They coop you up in a hospital ward, stick a huge plastic needle in your vein that they draw blood from every 15 minutes, serve three small meals a day, and require you to stand on one foot. Really, it is not so bad though. They have 20 T.V.'s, a ping pong table, foos ball table, pool table, pay phone, water dispenser, tons of board games, internet, 6 couches, and clocks that all coordinate. I think that if I were to learn about a study that would cause me to have to stay more then 2 days there I would tell them, "Only if you pay me a bunch, and I can have two pillows." We lucked out on our stay, the NCAA Tournament was starting while we were locked up. So we watched basketball from 12 noon until 12 midnight. Breaking only to pee in a jug, eat and give blood. Between March madness upsets, I would take on Jay in ping pong, and loose severely. This caused me to play Chris who I lost to barely, leaving me to only play this old lady that kept telling me that she loves puzzles, and she has seven grand kids. I beat her 21 - 0. They had a DVD player there but I never got to watch any of the movies I brought. (advertisement - Netflix is a great money making opportunity-just sign up for it and they will make much more money, but you will have unlimited rentals.) I brought some Netflix movies with me, one being The Office: Special. I have watched Season one and two over the past month and it has been about my favorite show ever, minus Duck Tales and Baywatch. It is British humor which makes it funny on its own but the characters are all great. It had a nice sappy happy ending so I am at a loss of something amusing to say about it right now. I am still clearing my eyes. But I recommend renting it. Do be warned that there is some language that is not appropriate for parents, grandmothers, children under 23, priests or easily confused people. If you ever watch it all, I am still waiting for something like the ending to happen to me. I guess another movie update I have is I watched The Incredibles, and thought it was good, not to boast but I saw a lot of me in every character in the film. I'm not saying I'm incredible I'm just saying that, maybe little bits and parts of me are, and I saw that in the film. I am kidding of course and tired. So I'm off, until next time.

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