Sunday, March 06, 2005

New Forms of Tired

Since I last wrote about having visited Hell. I believe Hell has since taken a field trip and visited me here at my new house. Well it is not mine it is my roomates, Joel's house. My body does feel like I have rebuilt it one wood plank at a time. Oh wait that is what I did. My friend Foof, who is a professional complainer who is quite handy with everything that involves manual labor, came over at 10:00 a.m. As soon as he got here we proceeded to try and kill ourselves by, removing the carpet from the entire house, removing the base boards, sweaping up about 30 punds of dead dirt and dead termites, and laying wood planks. That may sound like an easy task. But fiting it into a house that has a bunch of nooks and cranny's is about as fun as walking on shattered glass. I believe I have permantly destroyed my back, in fact typing this blog with my fingers is hurting my lower back. I think it has something to do with Newtons Law. I have to admit though, I did just take a shower and took a few Tylenol PM's, Advils, some Sudefed, and a few tic tacs, so I am about to fall forward and pass out. You may wonder if I am proud of my work, and I would say yes. All 15 hours of it. There was a ten minute period I was not proud of and that was, when i tried to take a break to get some water. Just kidding. Well untill nesxt time, I need allow these pills work, I think they are i can't feel my legs or my tonsils.

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